Women’s Retreat 2023

Sometimes the place we find ourselves is not where we imagined our life would take us. Inevitably, our path takes unforeseen twists and turns, sometimes very tragic ones. God comes to find us behind the walls we erect for our self-protection. Our pride, busyness, and hurt can prevent us from being found and brought back into a place of intimacy and fullness. Scripture is full of stories not unlike our own. When we gather together at the Women’s Retreat  we are going to look at a very unlikely character from scripture. We will explore principles that we can apply in our lives. Together, we will search our hearts and ask God’s Spirit to speak life into spaces that need to be renewed. I hope you will join us!

Speaker: Lesli Thompson

Lesli Thompson is wife to Jeff, mother & teacher to her 5 kids (Ella, Elijah, Ezra, Emerson, Emery), and encourager and counselor to many.  Lesli serves as the Director of the ReGeneration ministry (regenerationrecovery.org) at Midlothian Bible Church.  Her passion is to see people come out of hiding and into healing through recovery in Christ.  When she needs to recharge, Lesli enjoys all things coffee, historical fiction, endless walks, and baking not out of necessity!


Registration opens July 3rd!

Motel-Style (private restroom, linens provided) – $175
Dorm-Style (hall reastroom, bring linens) – $150
Commute (no lodging) – $95



4:00- 6:00pm- Check in

6:00pm – Dinner

7:00 pm – Session I

8:30pm  – Evening Free Time and Activity



8:30am – Breakfast

9:30am  – Session II

12:00pm – Lunch

1:30pm – workshops and free time

hiking trails, disc golf, coffee shop, kayaks and canoes, hot tub, gym open, mini golf, board games

6:00pm – Dinner

7:00pm – Session III

8:30pm – Evening Free Time and Activity


8:30am – Breakfast

9:30am – Session IV

11:00am – Pack up

12:00pm – Lunch/ Check-Out

Before Joining, Please Consider

  • If the attendee(s) begins showing symptoms of illness, please stay home and plan to attend a future event after symptoms clear.

Packing List

A packing list for overnight camps and retreats is available here.

Important Policies

We have a no-pet policy. Please do not bring pets. Thank You.

Payment & Refund Policy