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Privacy Policy


We are Committed to Your Privacy

Maranatha Bible Camp, Inc respects your right to keep your information private and secure. As more privacy issues arise with the internet, we want to assure you that the information you submit here is used only for our internal operations to serve you as a customer. Please read on for a description of the different pieces of information we collect, how they are used, and the measures we use to keep them secure.


Your Information

Why We Collect Your Information

We collect your information for managing reservations you make with Maranatha Bible Camp, Inc and for keeping you up-to-date on those reservations and other camp/retreat/event opportunities. We also collect your information when you choose to give to or serve at Maranatha Bible Camp, Inc, to be able to contact you for administrative and for marketing purposes. We will not share or sell your information with any other entities, nor will any of our third-party service providers.

When We Collect Your Information

These are the main activities you may perform on our online services which involve data collection.

  • Signing up for a mailing list
  • Registering for a camp or retreat
  • Purchasing merchandise online
  • Completing a form to contact us or send an inquiry
  • Booking a short-stay getaway
  • Making a donation
  • Applying to serve at camp
  • Settings set by visiting or selecting options on our website

What Information You May Submit to Us

All of the information we collect about you as a person is explicitly stated at the time of collection. We may ask for details such as name, age, gender, contact information in most cases. When registering for a youth camp the information we ask for includes health information for minors to be able to safely host them for the event(s) they register for. 

We also may collect the IP addresses of visitors, which are numbers that identify a network’s connection to the internet, for the purpose of securing our website and being able to deny access to any known malicious visitors. We also use a third-party tool which processes IP addresses for the same purpose, as noted below.


We may use non-edible technology known as “Cookies” to store website settings that are specific to you. These settings are stored locally on your computer, and are for simple settings, like whether or not you closed an announcement bar, or whether or not you are logged in to our reservations software. You are able to remove these at any time, although please keep in mind that doing so will remove the settings and any saved logons for whichever websites you remove them for. If you need assistance, please search the web for “how to remove cookies in [your web browser name]”.


How To Access or Remove Our Copy of Your Information

Much of your information is self-accessible on-demand. You can use the “Account Login” link at the top of this page to access your account with us and view/change/delete our copy of your information. In the case of marketing emails, you can simply follow links included to unsubscribe from mailing lists. This would remove you from marketing emails only, but we would still send you emails such as giving receipts or reservation confirmations whenever you make donations or reservations.

Our Retention of Your Information

When it comes to information which you have entered or which is recorded as a result of your activities (such as making a donation) we will keep said information as long as necessary to serve you and/or the period during which it may be required by the IRS. After this date we may continue to preserve your information for marketing purposes, but you may request or initiate removal of your information at any time, using the methods listed above, or by contacting us as written at the bottom of this policy.


Third-Party Service Providers


reCAPTCHA v3 is a free service provided by Google that detects abusive traffic on our websites. This enables us to protect our website from threats such as being overloaded with certain actions, or from being spammed, such as in the submission of forms. reCAPTCHA v3 does use the IP Addresses of visitors as a part of its detection process, as well as other pieces of information such as mouse movement, language settings, etc. To read more about reCAPTCHA, please view Google’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.



We also use UltraCamp to help us manage reservation and personal information. UltraCamp is a web software designed for this database management purpose. The software follows multiple security practices, which you can read about at their Privacy and Security page.


Constant Contact

We also use tools like constant contact for email marketing purposes. As stated previously, all marketing emails include an unsubscribe link which you can follow to remove your email address from that list.


Security Measures

Technology Security 

Physical Security


Organizational Security


Contacting The Website

If you have any concerns or questions regarding this website, please contact our website by mail using the address below:

Maranatha Camp- Webmaster
16800 E Maranatha Road
Maxwell, Nebraska 69151 USA