$429per Camper
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- 2025 Theme T-Shirt
Early-Bird Discount
Register and pay-in-full by April 30th for a $30 discount. Applies automatically.
Coffee, Gift, & Sweet Shop purchases are extra. Some camps offer extra add-on activities. Cash, cards, and Camp Coin (cashless) are accepted.
Speaker –
Wayne Morgan
Wayne has been serving students with his wife, Karen since 2000. Wayne is a youth ministry veteran with experience in rural church, parachurch, multi-site, and urban ministry and is a highly sought-after camp and conference speaker.
As National Ministries Director, Wayne oversees NNYM’s staff development, develops national partnerships,and coordinates communications for NNYM while serving as an advocate for church-community partnerships in Northeast Pennsylvania.
Band: TBD
More details to follow, including speaker, theme nights, and schedule.

In Colossians 2, the Apostle Paul emphasizes the importance of being deeply rooted in Christ, urging believers to remain steadfast in their faith and to guard against deceptive philosophies or empty traditions. He reminds us that in Christ alone we find the fullness of God and the true source of spiritual wisdom and strength. By staying rooted in Him, we are nourished, strengthened, and able to withstand the challenges of life. Paul encourages us to continue living in Him, built up and established in our faith, overflowing with gratitude for the transformative power of Christ’s love and grace. This chapter serves as a powerful reminder that our identity, purpose, and growth are found in Christ, the solid foundation upon which we stand.