Great is Thy faithfulness!” “Great is Thy faithfulness!”
Morning by morning new mercies I see;
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided—
“Great is Thy faithfulness, ” Lord, unto me!
As the holiday season is approaching, this is often a good time for reflection. As a staff, we have enjoyed recounting the ways God has been faithful to us individually. Not only has He provided for our team’s needs, both financially and physically, but He has provided so much for our camp. We just wanted to take a moment to highlight some of the specific ways God has been faithful to Maranatha this year.
Beginning with our facilities, there has been a variety of projects completed this year. Our Sweet Shop Stage was a wonderful addition this summer, our newly re-done pool, and our remodeled dining hall were all projects that had 9 and will continue to be!) a wonderful addition to our programs. God has also been faithful in the aftermath of the shop fire, we are nearing the completion of this rebuilding project soon! We are incredibly thankful for the staff and others who have put so much work into keeping this place welcoming and wonderful.
Beginning with our facilities, there has been a variety of projects completed this year. Our Sweet Shop Stage was a wonderful addition this summer, our newly re-done pool, and our remodeled dining hall were all projects that had 9 and will continue to be!) a wonderful addition to our programs.
God has also been faithful in the aftermath of the shop fire, we are nearing the completion of this rebuilding project soon! We are incredibly thankful for the staff and others who have put so much work into keeping this place welcoming and wonderful.
We have seen God’s hand in the various programs we’ve held this year. We’ve had several thousands of guests come through our grounds this year. From family reunions to birthday parties to camps to retreats, the opportunities for lives to be touched seem uncountable. Just this summer alone, we had over 100 kids, teenagers, and adults give their lives to Christ. We know that many more have been touched by the Jesus they experienced here at camp. This fall, hosting the Fall Festival was a wonderful opportunity to showcase our facilities to hundreds of people. We were able to provide a fun, family-friendly experience to so many while showing the love of Christ to them. The various retreats we have held this fall have been incredibly impactful. We have seen weary hearts encouraged and strengthened through these events. Looking to the future, we are looking forward to more of our skate nights. These provide a great night of fun for the whole community. We are so excited to see how many more lives God allows us to impact in the future.
Lastly, we are thanking God for the phenomenal staff He has provided for us. This year it has been especially clear that God is the one who draws people here, not us. We have loved watching God provide and grow each of our staff members to be more like Himself and step into their roles with excellence. We simply could not operate without the gifts of each and every one of our staff members.
God has truly provided everything we have needed. We hope that you will be able to rejoice with us about the faithfulness of our Lord! We cannot wait to see how He provides next.
From our whole team,
Happy Thanksgiving! We are thankful for all of you!