Dear Maranatha Friends,
Yesterday (May 14) the CDC came out with Guidelines for Summer Camps, Hooray! Our Maranatha leadership believes we are still positioned to meet these guidelines (to the best of our ability) and host summer camps, if the Governor’s office in Nebraska broadens the gathering restrictions by July.
CDC Camp Reopening Decision Tree
On Wednesday, May 13, we contacted the governor’s office, and unfortunately, the governor does not expect to announce Nebraska’s summer camp reopening guidelines until May 31; cutting it just too close we feel for churches and families to adequately prepare for June programs, like we had hoped.
Based on this recent information, Camps in Nebraska will need to move June programming to July/August, which is understandable, and we want to be supportive of our governing authorities to aid in the prevention of the virus spread. Maranatha is so grateful that many of our loyal church partners and families are in full support of this decision, and have been so gracious these past few months.
So, without further adieu…Here is the modified 2020 Summer Camp dates:
As always, feel free to email or call Maranatha with questions and input,
Kris Cheek, Executive Director
Maranatha Bible Camp & Retreat Center